Ce cours de formation en ligne Accès aux espaces clos a été conçu les travailleurs qui doivent entrer et travailler dans des espaces clos, les superviseurs et les employeurs. Dans ce cours, nous discuterons de ce que les espaces clos sont et ne sont pas; l'élaboration de programmes d'espaces clos, y compris l'évaluation des dangers et les mesures de contrôle; les responsabilités des membres de l'équipe des espaces clos ainsi que les pratiques de travail sécuritaires; les permis d'accès à un espace clos; les équipes d'intervention d'urgence et les sauvetages.
This Assessment and Improvement of Safety Culture and Safety Performance online training course explores the methods and benefits of including behavioral and cultural elements into an organization’s safety programs. Including these elements in an organization can provide a step change improvement by leveraging the skills and experience of the entire organization.
Este curso de formación online sobre el asbesto ha sido diseñado para los trabajadores de la construcción. En este curso, aprenderá sobre el asbesto y sus usos, así como sus peligros para la salud y los métodos de control de la exposición en el lugar de trabajo. También examinamos las preocupaciones de salud y cómo evaluar la exposición al amianto.
Le programme de la Conduite sécuritaire est conçu pour aider les conducteurs de tous les âges à comprendre beaucoup de facteurs qui pourraient contribuer à leur garantir une expérience de conduite sécuritaire dans la plupart des circonstances.
This Confined Space Entry online training course will discuss what confined spaces are and are not; developing confined space programs, including hazard assessment and control measures, confined space team member responsibilities and safe work practices; confined space entry permits; emergency response teams; and rescues. Confined spaces are dangerous places to work, this course will help to ensure a safe workplace.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Développement du programme de santé et de sécurité au travail a été conçu pour les employeurs et les propriétaires de petites et moyennes entreprises. Apprenez à élaborer un programme de santé et de sécurité au travail (SST) : un plan d'action qui définit les exigences et les procédures visant à prévenir les situations susceptibles de provoquer des blessures, des maladies professionnelles ou des décès. Un certain type de programme est requis en vertu de la législation sur la santé et la sécurité au travail dans la plupart des provinces canadiennes, et doit inclure au minimum les éléments requis par la législation de la province.
This Fatal Four Hazards in Construction online training course is designed for employers, managers, and employees in the construction industry. Workers in the construction industry face numerous risks on a daily basis. In this course, you will learn about the four fatal hazards in construction: fall hazards, struck by hazards, caught in/between hazards and electrocution.
This First Aid Basics online training course is designed for all employees. This course has been developed to allow certified first aid attendants to refresh and update their basic first aid knowledge. This course is meant to supplement completed first aid training by providing a review of some of the critical information covered in a typical First Aid Course.
This First Aid Basics online training course has been developed to allow certified first aid attendants to refresh and update their basic first aid knowledge. This program is meant to supplement completed first aid training by providing a review of some of the critical information covered in a typical First Aid Course.
This Ground Disturbance Level II online training course is designed for supervisors in the pipeline and other utility companies, as well as in companies that undertake ground disturbance activities. Striking existing buried facilities can cause a number of problems. Learn how ground disturbance projects can be undertaken safely and efficiently, without damaging existing infrastructure.
In this Hazard Communication online training course, we will describe the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), how to effectively apply it at your work and how to protect yourself from those hazards. The HCS specifies what information chemical suppliers and employers must provide, as well as the training employers, must provide to their workers. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) and based on OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200.
This Hazardous Materials Transportation online training course will provide an overview of the responsibilities of hazmat employers and employees under Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR), Subchapter C, "Hazardous Materials Regulations", including classification, packaging, hazard communication requirements including shipping papers, marking, labeling and placarding, as well as incident reporting and security.
This Health and Safety for Small Business [Canada] online training course is designed for employers, supervisors and workers.
Workplace injuries and illnesses have a direct effect on the company's bottom line, and the ability to operate safely is essential to building a productive, cost-effective organization. In this course, we will identify the health and safety responsibilities of suppliers, employers and workers and describe strategies for small businesses to meet their health and safety responsibilities.
This Health and Safety for Small Business online training course introduces owners and managers to the types of health and safety problems that can occur in small businesses and gives practical information and tips regarding strategies to identify hazards and manage risks, identify the health and safety responsibilities of employers and identify key components of an effective health and safety program.
This Health and Safety Liability for Senior Executives [Canada] online training course is designed for company CEOs, CFOs, directors and senior managers. In this course, you will learn about senior executives’ duties for protecting employees’ health and safety, which laws apply, who enforces them, how to demonstrate compliance, penalties for non-compliance and strategies for defense against charges.
The Integration: The Next Evolution in Safety Performance online training course is designed for Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) professionals to demonstrate the approaches to and benefits of integrating safety-specific and non-safety specific systems in reducing injury exposure. This allows organizations to better address what contributes to safety outcomes, and in the process builds a working environment that fosters heightened organizational citizenship and company-wide ownership for safety.
This Lockout/Tagout online training course was designed for HR managers, safety managers and department/site managers, and supervisors in all industries. This course will describe the different types of energy sources, explain the general rules of lockout tagout procedures, and gives you the basic knowledge required to correctly and effectively complete lockout tagout procedures.
This Machine Guarding online training course provides an overview of the types of mechanical motions and actions that can be hazardous. This course will teach you how to assess their risks, recall the different types of machine guards and safeguarding devices and methods, and how to outline the legal requirements for safeguarding. OSHA’s standard regarding machine guarding from 29 CFR 1910, Subpart O.
This Managing Chemical Spills online training course is designed for managers, supervisors and employees in workplaces that handle or transport hazardous materials. Chemical spills pose a serious risk to human health, the environment, and public safety. In this course, participants will learn about preventing, responding to, and managing chemical spill incidents, ensuring compliance with regulations while safeguarding human health and the environment.
Mold can be a serious workplace issue and can be hazardous to our health. In this Mold Awareness online training course, we will describe what molds are, examine the health effects of mold exposure, review the duties of employers under current legislation concerning mold, and outline methods of mold prevention and control.
This Naloxone Training for U.S. Workplaces online training course is designed for all employees. Opioid misuse, addiction and overdose deaths have become an international epidemic. Learn about opioid use and misuse, recognizing an opioid overdose, the skills you need to administer care to a coworker experiencing an opioid overdose, and the legal considerations of Naloxone use in the workplace.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Notions de base en premiers soins a été conçu pour tous les employés. Ce cours permet aux secouristes certifiés de mettre à jour leurs connaissances de base en matière de premiers secours. Ce cours passe en revue certaines des informations critiques couvertes dans un cours de premiers secours typique.
This Occupational Health and Safety Program Development online training course is designed for employers and owners of small and medium-sized businesses. Learn about developing an occupational health and safety (OHS) program - a plan of action that sets out the requirements and procedures to prevent situations that could cause injuries, occupational illnesses, or fatalities. Some type of program is required under occupational health and safety legislation in most Canadian jurisdictions and must include the elements required by the jurisdiction’s legislation, at a minimum.
This PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries online training course is designed for retail and service industry business owners, IT managers and security managers. Most financial transactions are done by either debit or credit card. All of these transactions involve some level of electronic data transfer and storage, which creates opportunities for cyberthieves. This course provides an overview of what companies that handle credit card payments need to do to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
This Preventing Workplace Violence online training course provides information on why workplace violence occurs and how it can be prevented. Topics covered in this course include types of workplace violence, examples of prohibited conduct, tips on how to prevent workplace violence, tips on how to deal with irate customers and how to identify danger, the importance of reporting, domestic violence, and how it affects the workplace.
Este programa de Primeros auxilios básicos ha sido desarrollado para brindar a los asistentes de primeros auxilios certificados la oportunidad de refrescar y actualizar sus conocimientos básicos de primeros auxilios. Este programa está destinado a complementar la capacitación en primeros auxilios al proporcionar una revisión de parte de la información crítica cubierta en un curso típico de primeros auxilios.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Remuement du sol (niveau II) a été conçu pour les employés qui exercent une fonction de supervision dans le secteur des pipelines et d'autres entreprises de services publics, ainsi que dans les entreprises qui entreprennent des activités de remuement du sol. Les coups portés aux installations souterraines existantes peuvent entraîner des problèmes. Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez la planification, la préparation, l'exécution et l'achèvement des projets de remuement du sol efficacement et en toute sécurité.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Répondre aux situations comportant des risques et aux incidents de harcèlement et de violence dans les lieux de travail sous réglementation fédérale (CCT II) a été conçu pour les employeurs et les employés des organisations sous réglementation fédérale. Dans ce cours, nous examinerons les enquêtes, l'enregistrement et le signalement des événements comportant des risques; et l’enregistrement, le signalement et les actions à prendre suite à des incidents de harcèlement et de violence.
This Respirator Selection, Use and Care online training course is designed for employees who use respirators in their work. Respiratory protection is a crucial aspect of workplace safety. When exposure to respiratory hazards cannot be avoided or effectively controlled through other methods such as elimination or engineering controls, respirators are necessary. In this course, you will learn about the uses and limitations of different types of respirators, user health requirements, fit testing, proper use and care, and using respirators in emergency situations.
This Responding to Hazardous Occurrences and Occurrences of Harassment and Violence in Federally Regulated Workplaces (CLC II) online training course is designed for employers and employees in federally regulated organizations. Learn about legal requirements for: investigating, recording, and reporting accidents and hazardous occurrences; and recording, reporting, and responding to occurrences of harassment and violence.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Responsabilité des cadres supérieurs en matière de santé et de sécurité [Canada] a été conçu pour les PDG, directeurs financiers, directeurs et cadres supérieurs d'entreprises. Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez quelles sont les obligations des cadres supérieurs en matière de protection de la santé et de la sécurité des employés, quelles sont les lois applicables, qui est responsable de les faire respecter, les mesures à prendre pour assurer la conformité, les sanctions en cas de non-conformité et les stratégies de défense contre les accusations.
This Safe Driving online training course is designed to help drivers of all ages understand many of the factors which can help ensure a safe driving experience in most circumstances. This course is primarily focused on skills you, the driver will need to become a successful, attentive, and efficient driver.
This Safe Driving online training course is designed to assist drivers of all ages to understand many of the factors which can help ensure a safe driving experience in most circumstances. To help get your Safe Driving Program off to a great start, this course is primarily focused on skills you, the driver will need to become a successful and efficient driver.
This Safety in Bloodborne Pathogens for Employees online training course is designed for employees in workplaces where there may be a risk of exposure to bloodborne diseases. This course will show you how exposure to bloodborne pathogens occurs, provide guidelines for protecting yourself and others and how to handle a contamination emergency.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Santé et sécurité au travail pour les petites entreprises a été conçu pour les employeurs, superviseurs et travailleurs. Les blessures et maladies professionnelles ont un impact direct sur le profit net de l’entreprise. Par ailleurs, pouvoir travailler en sécurité constitue un élément essentiel pour développer une entreprise productive et rentable. Dans ce cours, nous identifierons les responsabilités des fournisseurs, employeurs et travailleurs en matière de santé et de sécurité et présenterons les stratégies permettant aux petites entreprises de s’acquitter de leurs responsabilités en matière de santé et de sécurité.
Ce cours de formation en ligne Sensibilisation à l’amiante a été conçu pour les travailleurs de la construction.
Dans ce cours, vous examinerons l’amiante et ses utilisations, ainsi que les dangers posés sur la santé et les méthodes de contrôle en milieu de travail.
Les substances chimiques et biologiques sont régulièrement transportées par route, ferroviaire, navire et avion. De nombreux produits présentent un danger lorsqu'ils sont transportés.
Afin de minimiser les risques associés au transport des marchandises dangereuses et de protéger le public et l'environnement, chaque personne impliquée dans le transport de marchandises dangereuses doit s'informer sur les exigences de la Loi sur le transport de marchandises dangereuses et la réglementation sur le transport de marchandises dangereuses.
This Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) online training course is designed for employees in the transportation and chemical industries who transport and manage dangerous goods. In order to minimize the risks associated with transporting dangerous goods, and to keep the public and the environment safe, everyone involved in the shipping of dangerous goods must learn about and follow the requirements of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.
This Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG): Overview online training course is designed for companies, supervisors, or employees dealing with transporting dangerous goods. This course provides an overview of the responsibilities of employers, consignors, carriers, and consignees under the TDG Regulations, as well as the requirements for classifying products, required documentation, the use of safety marks, and emergency reporting.