
Human Resources Management

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Attention to Detail

This Attention to Detail online training course is designed for all employees. Learn about what attention to detail entails and why it matters, occupations and roles where attention to detail is important, the traits of detail-oriented people, the types and fundamental elements of attention to detail, and strategies for employees to improve their skills in producing detail-oriented work.

Coaching for Improved Performance

This Coaching for Improved Performance online training course teaches effective coaching techniques and enables you to help employees improve their work performance through a clearer sense of performance objectives and renewed motivation. This course will cover specific and practical suggestions for diagnosing performance problems, understand appropriate actions based on the diagnosis, and be able to implement the coaching process in an effective manner.

Developing Diverse Teams

This Developing Diverse Teams online training course will help you understand the impact of cultural factors when you attempt to build harmonious and productive work units. You will learn to build a team that encourages mutual accountability, trust, problem solving, conflict management, and an appreciation for the unique contributions of all.

Discharging An Employee

This Discharging an Employee online training course is designed for managers and human resources professionals. This course explores strategies that can reduce the problems that might be associated with an employee's discharge.  Understand more about the process of discharging an employee and learn about the details that you don't want to overlook.

Discipline efficace en milieu de travail

C’est souvent difficile pour les gérants et superviseurs de discipliner les employés efficacement.

Doing Performance Reviews

This Doing Performance Reviews online training course will explain the benefits of the performance review process and provide three strategies to make it easier and approach it with confidence. A performance review is a great opportunity for you and your employees to develop a positive working relationship, clarify expectations, and improve productivity.

Drug-Free Workplace Training for Supervisors

This Drug-Free Workplace Training for Supervisors online training course is designed for employees in a supervisory or management role. This course describes how to establish a drug-free workplace policy, participate in the state’s Drug-Free Workplace Program, and develop a Substance Abuse Policy. In doing so, companies prove their commitment to safeguard the well being of all employees and promote a safe environment for everyone.

Effective Approaches to Employee Discipline

This Effective Approaches to Employee Discipline online training course is an introduction to effective approaches to employee discipline. You will be provided with practical advice on implementing or improving your discipline policy. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to determine whether or not your current discipline policy is effective.

Effective Performance Feedback

This Effective Performance Feedback online training course is designed for supervisors, managers, and employees seeking to grow in a management role. This course will give you an understanding of the importance of performance feedback, outline the stages of a performance review, and provide strategies for ensuring that your feedback is constructive and effective.

Effective Workplace Discipline [Canada]

This Effective Workplace Discipline online training course provides practical advice on implementing a discipline policy or improving an existing policy. You will learn to establish a policy and document all incidents, keeping workforce dissatisfaction to a minimum, increase productivity, and boost morale. A discipline policy communicates to employees your expectations as well as the consequences for not meeting those expectations. 

Employee Discipline [US]

This Employee Discipline online training course provides information on conducting an effective workplace investigation and discusses the common methods of discipline that exist in workplaces today. The information presented will help you treat your employees fairly and avoid possible charges of discrimination relating to disciplinary actions. You will learn how to conduct an investigation and apply an appropriate method of discipline.

Employee Motivation

This Employee Motivation online training course gives practical suggestions for identifying group and individual motivating factors and mobilizing them to energize employees. This course explores methods for revitalizing the workplace and encouraging initiative in employees and also gives an opportunity to reach a new awareness of the people who work for you and view them as major investors in your organization.

Employment Standards

This Employment Standards online training course will discuss what you should be aware of and where to find the laws and regulations that apply to your hiring and employment practices. If you own a business in Canada and you have employees, you need to know and comply with all of the applicable employment standards.

Encadrer pour un meilleur rendement

Ce cours enseigne les techniques efficaces d’encadrement et vous permet d’aider les employés à améliorer leur rendement au travail grâce à un sens plus clair des objectifs du rendement et une motivation renouvelée.

Establishing Performance Goals and Expectations

This Establishing Performance Goals and Expectations online training course is designed for employers looking to establish goals and expectations and employees wanting to meet those requirements. This course has tools and methods for collaboratively establishing goals and specific performance criteria for all employees. There are tips to help you obtain commitment to your goals and methods to help you review performance goals regularly.

Établissement des objectifs de rendement et attentes

Ce cours de formation en ligne Établissement des objectifs de rendement et attentes a été conçu pour les employeurs qui cherchent à établir des objectifs et des attentes et pour les employés qui veulent répondre à ces exigences. Ce cours vous donnera les outils et méthodes nécessaires afin d’établir de façon collaborative des critères de rendement spécifiques pour chaque employé. Nous vous fournirons des conseils pour vous aider à obtenir l'engagement requis pour atteindre vos objectifs et des méthodes qui faciliteront la révision des objectifs de rendement sur une base régulière.

Ethics for Employees

This Ethics for Employees online training course will guide employees through business ethics. This course will encourage you to reflect on the ethical questions we all face and give you a process for arriving at good ethical decisions, explain the importance of doing business ethically, identify the ethical issues, outline ethical decision making and recognize ethical responsibilities.

Ethics for Managers

This Ethics for Managers online training course explains what business ethics means and why initiatives to develop and maintain ethical cultures in organizations are more important than ever. Managers need to know how ethical business practices can prevent wrongdoing in their organizations and how ethics can help employees make good choices.

Faire les évaluations du rendement

Fournir de la rétroaction sur le rendement est une partie importante du rôle du gestionnaire. Une bonne rétroaction est essentielle pour aider une organisation à atteindre ses objectifs.

Faire une entrevue d'embauche de candidat

Ceci est un cours pratique qui vous aidera à vous préparer afin d'obtenir les résultats désirés. Vous apprendrez comment définir avec exactitude ce que vous recherchez chez un candidat.

Flexible Work Arrangements and Your Organization

This Flexible Work Arrangements and Your Organization online training course was designed for all organizations. This course will cover the recommended sections of a flexible work arrangements policy and will provide you with a thorough understanding of how to develop and implement a flexible work arrangements policy that fits your organization.

Former des équipes diversifiées

Ce cours de formation en ligne Former des équipes diversifiées vous aidera à comprendre l'impact des facteurs culturels lorsque vous tentez de créer des équipes de travail harmonieuses et productives. Vous apprendrez à constituer une équipe qui encourage la responsabilité mutuelle, la confiance, la résolution de problèmes, la gestion des conflits et la reconnaissance des contributions uniques de tous.

Human Rights in Canada - An Introduction

This Human Rights in Canada - An Introduction online training course is designed for all employees. Human rights are fundamental rights and freedoms that belong to every person, regardless of their race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. These rights are inherent to all human beings and are essential for living with dignity, freedom, equality, justice, and peace. Learn about human rights legislation, protected grounds, the prohibitions against discrimination and the requirements for accommodation in employment, housing and the provision of goods and services.

Interviewing Job Candidates

In this Interviewing Job Candidates online training course, you will learn how to define exactly what you are looking for in a job candidate, and be given checklists and discussion guides to ask the right questions and get relevant answers. The course addresses the most common legal pitfalls and how to avoid them, as well as issues you should consider when evaluating a candidate.

Le feed-back efficace sur le rendement

Une des tâches importantes de votre rôle de gestionnaire est de fournir un bon feedback sur le rendement.

Leaves and Accommodations [US]

This Leaves and Accommodations online training course provides an overview of Federal laws which cover employee leaves and accommodations, such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADAAA). The course also discusses the importance of privacy and confidentiality as it relates to these specific acts.

Les normes de l'emploi

Si vous possédez une entreprise au Canada et avez des employés, vous devez connaître et respecter toutes les normes d'emploi en vigueur.

L'éthique chez les employés

Ce cours de formation en ligne L'éthique chez les employés guidera les employés à travers les principes de la déontologie des affaires. Ce cours vous encouragera à réfléchir aux questions d’éthique auxquelles nous sommes tous confrontés et vous donnera une marche à suivre pour arriver à de bonnes décisions en matière d’éthique. Il expliquera l'importance de la déontologie des affaires, identifiera les enjeux d’éthique, les étapes du processus de prise de décisions judicieuses sur le plan de l’éthique et les responsabilités en matière d’éthique.

Managing Disputes in a Unionized Workplace

Workplace disputes can have a negative impact on productivity and morale. This Managing Disputes in a Unionized Workplace online training course will explore strategies for managing conflict in a unionized workplace. Many disputes can be resolved informally. You will learn mediation techniques that enable managers and supervisors to assist employees with informal dispute resolution

Managing the Performance of Your Unionized Employees

This Managing the Performance of Your Unionized Employees online training course will give you an understanding of the dynamics involved in managing the performance of unionized staff, and provide strategies for motivating them to meet your expectations. The course will help you approach an employee performance problem with confidence and authority.

Motivation des employés

La différence entre une entreprise qui ne fait que survivre et une qui réussit réside dans l'énergie et l'engagement de ses effectifs. Une main d'œuvre motivée et dévouée est la formule d'un succès à long terme.

Our Drug-Free Workplace

This Our Drug-Free Workplace online training course is designed for all employees. In this course, you will learn about the company’s drug-free policies and the consequences of violating them; the drug testing program; signs and effects of the abuse of alcohol and common drugs; and resources available to help employees with substance use disorders.

Overview of 360 Degree Feedback

This Overview of 360 Degree Feedback online training course is designed to present a broad overview of 360 degree feedback, also called multi-rater or multi-source feedback. This type of feedback system is becoming more popular in organizations, including many of the Fortune 50 Companies. Given its popularity and widespread use, many organizations are wondering whether such a system will benefit them. This course will acquaint learners with the nature of such systems, how they are used, who is involved, current thinking about concerns and benefits, and what to look for when considering the adoption of such a system.

Performance Appraisal Basics

This Performance Appraisal Basics online training course is designed to educate you about the critical elements of the performance appraisal process. This course will give you an understanding of the importance of performance appraisal, explain the critical elements of the performance appraisal process, the essentials of a sound approach to appraisal, and how to apply an appraisal to groups and teams.

Performance Management: Performance Review

This Performance Management: Performance Review online training course will explain the benefits of the performance review process and provide three strategies to make it easier and approach it with confidence. This course provides learners with helpful strategies to improve their performance management skills, specifically those related to the Performance Review.

Principes de base du processus de travail

Ce cours de formation en ligne Principes de base du processus de travail a été conçu pour les employés, les superviseurs et les gestionnaires. Ce cours identifie les conditions à remplir pour fournir un travail de qualité, définit l’intégralité et l’étendue du processus, et examine les données d’entrée et de sortie.

Questionable Interview Questions

This Questionable Interview Questions online training course presents learners with tips on how to avoid asking problematic interview questions. This course covers topics such as the importance of being aware of laws, focusing on applicant qualifications during interviews, recognizing and avoiding irrelevant questions, avoiding eliciting information and tips from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Reductions in Force

This Reductions in Force online training course provides information on how to deal with reductions in the workforce. This course discusses the importance of carefully dealing with reductions in force, company rights, tips on preventing litigation, how to prepare for the termination meeting, and how to deal with remaining employees after termination in the workplace.

Rétroaction efficace sur le rendement

Ce cours de formation en ligne Rétroaction efficace sur le rendement a été conçu pour les superviseurs, les gestionnaires et les employés qui aspirent à un poste de gestionnaire. Ce cours vous permettra de comprendre l’importance de la rétroaction sur le rendement. La rétroaction informelle sur le rendement se donne sur une base régulière. L’évaluation de rendement annuelle est, quant à elle, un processus plus officiel. Nous décrirons les étapes d'une évaluation du rendement et, enfin, nous vous fournirons des stratégies afin que la rétroaction donnée soit constructive et efficace.

Sélectionner les candidats les plus talentueux

Embaucher les candidats les plus talentueux est un facteur essentiel à réussite. Ce module d'apprentissage en ligne vous permettra de vous familiariser avec notre processus de sélection et de recrutement, les quatre étapes d'un processus d'entrevue et de sélection efficace ainsi que les techniques à employer pour mener une entrevue fructueuse.

Skills for Interviewing

This Skills for Interviewing online training course offers strategies and tips for valuable preliminary work and tools to prepare for the interviewer's questions. Key points will help you promote your best image and create a positive impression. You will learn how to follow up with the interviewer and how to negotiate the best offer if you are selected.

The Future of Work

This Future of Work online training course explores the trends that may affect the future of work in the post-pandemic world. This course will explore what the future of work looks like, remote work models that companies may adopt, technologies that will support the mobile workforce, future workplace layouts, and regulatory challenges with emerging technologies.

Union Free: A Guide for Managers and Supervisors [US]

This Union Free: A Guide for Managers and Supervisors online training course is designed for employees in a supervisory or managerial role. Today’s union movement is drastically different from what it was historically. This course is designed to familiarize you with union organizing tactics, positive employee relations, and supervisory do’s and don’ts during union organizing campaigns.

Vue d’ensemble de la rétroaction à 360 degrés

Ce cours de formation en ligne Vue d’ensemble de la rétroaction à 360 degrés a été conçu pour vous donner une idée approfondie de la rétroaction à 360 degrés, également appelé rétroaction tous azimuts ou rétroaction multisources. Ce type de de rétroaction est devenu très populaire dans les organisations, dont beaucoup d’entreprises Fortune 500. Étant donné sa popularité et son utilisation banalisée, beaucoup d’entreprises se demandent si un tel type de rétroaction leur est avantageux. Ce cours familiarisera les participants à la nature de ce type de rétroaction, leur apprendra comment les utiliser, qui en est concerné, à réfléchir sur les avantages et inquiétudes qui y sont liés, ainsi que ce qu’il faut chercher lorsqu’on pense choisir un tel système.

Wage and Hour Laws [US]

In this Wage and Hour Laws online training course, you will learn about U.S. laws relating to employee pay. We refer to these as 'wage and hour' laws because they cover the wages paid to employees for their hours worked; specifically, the correct amount of wages in exchange for what counts as 'working hours' for which the company must pay its employees.

Work Process Basics: Producing Quality Work

This Work Process Basics online training course is designed for employees, supervisors, and managers and explores the work process. This course will analyze work as a process by identifying the requirements necessary to produce quality work, defining process flow and scope, looking at inputs and outputs, and how to examine listening skills to ensure those customer requirements are met.